Tuition Information

Our tuition provides for child care services, meals, and transportation to and from local schools. The full-time weekly rate covers one child for up to ten hours per day. Part-time care is defined as three full-time days of care or five days of care not exceeding four hours per day. The Daily rates apply to part-time families and non-contracted families.

Category Full-time Part-time *Daily
Infants (6 weeks through 12 months) $210 $180 $47
Young Toddlers (12 through 24 months) $200 $170 $45
Older Toddlers (24 through 36 months) $185 $155 $42
Pre-School (3 years through 1st day of kindergarten) $175 $145 $40
School Agers (Before and After school care) $150 $120 $35

*Daily care is not guaranteed. Please call the Administration Department at 610-351-0015 for inquiries.
**Sibling Discount – $30
***If paid in advance for the month, 2.5% discount would be applied.


Payments for tuition and fees are due on Fridays for the upcoming week. We accept cash, credit/debit cards, checks, money order, ELRC Title 20 and CCIS subsidy. To apply for CCIS please contact CCIS of Lehigh County at 610-437-6000.